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Select the best pictures on your cell phone, tag them and upload them.
Phone Photography 101: How to Take Good Pictures With Your Mobile Device

The Ultimate Guide to Smartphone Photography
How to Sell Photos Online: For Both Amateur and Pro Photographers
277 Photography Tips For All Kinds Of Photography
10 Best Photo Editing Tips for a Faster Workflow
For images of Live Breaking News, Sports, Business, Entertainment, Concerts, Fashion & Features which are time sensitive click on the SIGN UP NOW button to register and upload your work for distribution to editorial newsrooms around the world.
Receive notifications from media outlets around the world when they need footage.

Before uploading your live images and video, read the information below and view the sample pictures which will help you sell your live breaking news, sports, business, entertainment, concerts, fashion & features
Our Press Credentials were designed to help everyone from
those starting out to seasoned professionals get better coverage
It’s important for photographers to upload their images during or immediately following an event for worldwide picture distribution in order to get the fastest distribution of their images. The picture desk is open 24/7…..always ready to accept your images and video.
Upload Your Pictures and Video from any Device and Place them Where More Buyers Will See Them Around the World
You must first register and set up an account with our partner website which is free. Once you have set up an account and passed a (Quality Control Picture Test), you will then be able to upload your news, sports, business, entertainment, concerts, shows, celebrities, fashion shows, photo assignments and features for worldwide picture distribution. Clients including newspaper, magazine and web editors will be able to view, purchase and download your pictures instantly.....then you get paid!
Journalists upload their images during an event in the media room provided.
All events will have a media center or room where you will be able to upload your images or videos.
The sooner you upload your time sensitive images/videos, the sooner they will be in front of editors at newspapers, magazines and television newsrooms around the world. Photo editors need breaking news images fast so they can select the best images from any given event and start laying out the pages before going to press. Television news editors work the same way. We cannot stress how important it is to have your images and videos out as quickly as possible. It is the difference between getting published or having your images or videos set aside.
Photographers at the sidelines of a football game.
Time sensitive images that should be uploaded immediately after being shot include:
Editors and publishers need your work fast
News stories become history within hours. Newspapers and website editors need images within 20 minutes to 2 hours of the event at the latest. There is a chance that your images may be licensed if you upload the picture(s) days or weeks after the event however, the chances diminish with every hour that passes. Those publications that publish weekly or monthly may have more time, however, every publication will work under different time constraints and there is no way anyone will know exactly when deadlines are approaching so the sooner you upload, the greater your chances of having your work published.
Editors do a mock-up of their magazine pages before the final layout.
Always shoot in color
Avoid black and white at all cost. Most newspapers, magazines and websites want all images in full colour. They can easily turn a color picture into black and white if they wish but they cannot turn a black and white photo into color.

Be creative
Focus on unique news stories, features and different angles to breaking news. In most cases, newspapers, magazines and news websites already have paid subscriptions to the big news wire services so they will always choose the subscription pictures before they pay for your picture if the content is somewhat the same. Editors prefer different and unique images. This is your chance to use your imagination to capture news and feature images that the news wire services do not have. Be creative and different and try doing and going where the other photographers are not. Investigate your surroundings, take great pictures from different angels and share your amazing pictures for the world to see and enjoy.
Professional photographer on assignment
To give your pictures the very best chance of being selected by the top photo editors and published, you must upload professional images. At a scene, wear your Picture Stock World Press Pass and always respect the people you encounter while working. Never put your life in any danger – no picture is worth losing your life over or becoming injured. Shoot the news but don’t become the news.
Newspapers and magazines find it much more cost effective to assign a freelance photographer living in the city or town in which the event or assignment is taking place, rather than to send a staff photographer across the country to shoot the same assignment. The airfare, hotel accommodations, car rental and other expenses can quickly add up. Therefore, it is faster and more efficient for a client to contact an agency and request a photographer to cover an event at a moment's notice, especially when a big breaking news event occurs. Assignments could be for future dates, while most are to be shot immediately. All assignments are shot on spec only. Call photo assignment editors at different publications and introduce yourself. Tell them you would be willing to be called out should they need a photographer in your city or town when the need arises. This is how most journalists start out. You need to get your name out there and make yourself available whenever possible. Editors are very busy so when they call someone, they want to talk to them on the spot.
A Tip On Getting Steady Assignments
Say you live in Dallas, Texas; the best way to get called and assigned to editorial jobs is to call the photo assignment departments at newspapers and TV stations in cities as far away from you as possible such as in the east coast. Explain to them that you can be available to cover an assignment or breaking news in the city you live in exclusively for them and send them the images/videos shortly after covering the assignment. You will have a big advantage if you live in a major city where news happens often. Assignment editors really enjoy having a contact in several major cities since they can have fresh pictures that no one else has when a major story breaks. Make sure you answer your cell phone when they call you since most editors are very busy and will not leave phone messages.
Freelance photographers are wanted in every city, state, town, village, and country around the world.
Once you start submitting your photos, photo editors will have a better understanding of your abilities, quality and shooting style. Photo assignments are handed out on spec and photographers are paid when their images are published. In some cases, you may be paid an assignment rate based on the day rate or per assignment.
If you can transmit your images via your laptop directly to a newsroom from a scene, this will help you get published and steady work. Remember, it's usually the first pictures that come in that get published especially at deadline time. Photo credits are always published unless you state otherwise.
Local newspaper editors are always looking for high-end sharp photography and require professional work at all times.
Upload your images quickly. Time is the most important element of getting your images published. Editors have strict deadlines and need art fast after an event. Choose your very best images, upload them and have your images distributed to editorial clients worldwide instantly.
Start building or continue adding tear sheets to your portfolio with your published images. When the time comes to apply for a photojournalist position, your biggest asset will be your portfolio, something any editor wants to see first. The portfolio that catches his or her eyes first will result in work for you and in some cases a staff position - the ultimate goal. The earlier you start building your portfolio, the more images you will have to edit and weed out the less desirable ones.
Some photographers spend their freelance careers trying to attain the award-winning images that will get them hired. Never give up and pursue your goals in this exciting field that so many journalists dream of having.
Some of the assignments on spec may include an upcoming concert, sporting event, festival, press conference, a celebrity in town, election coverage, politics, a funeral or breaking news on a local, national or international level.
News photographers take cover and prepare to shoot a violent demonstration.
Need help uploading your images or videos?
Contact the agency you are uploading your images and videos to should you require any technical help. They are always ready to assist you in any way.